To study in Belarus is the finest option because of its high quality of education system. There are more than 6000 foreign students who study at the higher education institutes and universities in Belarus each year

Reasons to study in BELARUS

  • The admission requirement for a foreign student is not so stringent in Belarus.
  • There is a greater chance of settlement in Europe and permanent residency after you finish your program of study.
  • All the courses are recognized internationally.
  • You have the chance to get nice jobs after graduation due to the high standard of the degrees.
  • One can study in Belarus, as the educational qualification in Belarus is accepted worldwide and there is a great level of competence in a wide range of areas from science to business, foreign language training to arts and from legal studies to medicine.
  • Many of the universities have got immense experience through visiting professors from other parts of the world such as Canada, United States and United Kingdom. All the institutes are open to English medium of instruction and one can study in English medium in all the courses

What is the cost of studying in BELARUS?

Course Duration Tuition Fees (EUR) Other Charges (EUR)
GENERAL MEDICINE (MBBS, MD) 6 Years 4,250/Year 1,550 (Medical inspection, Transport, Registration Fee, Translation, and Intermediary firm charge)
Dentistry 5 Years 5,500/Year 1,550/Once
Pharmacy 5 Years 3,600 1,550
Nursing 2.10 Years 1,200/Year – (Medium of instruction: Russian, English after 10 months foundation course)
ENGINEERING COURSES (UNDERGRADUATE) 4 Years 3,500/Year 1,550/Once (Medical inspection, Transport, Registration Fee, Translation, and Intermediary firm charge)
BUSINESS/ECONOMICS COURSES (UNDERGRADUATE) 4 Years 3,500 1,550 (Medical inspection, Transport, Registration Fee, Translation, and Intermediary firm charge)
INTERNATIONAL LAW 4 Years 3,500 1,550 (Medical inspection, Transport, Registration Fee, Translation, and Intermediary firm charge)
HOSPITALITY/TOURISM 4 Years 3,500 1,550
MASTERS COURSES TUITION FEE (GRADUATE) Various 3,500 1,550 (Medical inspection, Transport, Registration Fee, Translation, and Intermediary firm charge)